Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Age of Innocence" - Caitlin's Opinion

So the only problem with the Kindle is you have no way of telling how long a book actually is.  I'm hoping this one is long because it seemed to take me awhile to read it but I never lost interest at least!

GENERAL IMPRESSIONS:  I've read Wharton before (House of Mirth) and thought it was okay but this was much better.  Also, Wharton got the first Pulitzer given to a woman for this one so well done Edith!  Basically like an early twentieth century Jane Austen.  Critiquing upper class society to some degree without ever truly condemning it.  A love story I didn't hate.  The main character was as unbearable and condescending as you expect him to be but you really start to feel for him after awhile.  Almost like Babbit in a way actually.  Wow.  So many anti-disestablishment/can't escape the establishment books on this list.

MUSINGS: My favorite character was the eccentric fat grandma.  I can't wait until I get to be an eccentric fat grandma.

SPOILER ALERT:  It was written in the 1920s by a lady author who got a Pulitzer so this shouldn't come as a surprise to you but was a bit of a disappointment nonetheless- no sex!!!!

Pace: A-
Readability: A
Fashion Description: B
Narrator's Likeability: A
Satisfying Ending: D- (but that actually makes this book a little better)
Feminism: Hard to say.  Sometimes a B+ sometimes a D

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