Tuesday, April 17, 2012

"Brave New World" from Kelli

This book started off with a bang! I was loving it. All of the ironic references to "ancient" culture (of course, the culture that you are I are living in). It was so....topical, so....political. Aldous Huxley's descriptions were eloquent, but didn't run on forever. I was flying through this book.

And then, I hit about 70 pages from the end and ran into a wall. Suddenly, I was sick of the plot, and the climax that I thought was going to come at the beginning of the book, clearly was not where Huxley wanted us to go. I was disappointed and deinvested. And so the book sat by my bed, with me reading about 3-5 pages every night. Last night, I finally suffered through the end of the book.

What a let down!

Narrator's Likability: B (the narrator shifts between chapters)
Pacing: A at the beginning, D at the end
Satisfying Ending: FFFFFFFFF
Sense of Irony: A-


  1. So, it's not really 'A Brave New World', but 'A *Disappointing* new World'?

    What are you gonna read next?

    1. I'm reading Call of the Wild next. I like dogs, so hopefully it'll be fast!

  2. i just remembered how unsatisfying the ending of this book is. i approve of your grade.
