When there's a fire in a metro station you get delayed a LOOOOOOONG time and finish a short book like this pretty quickly on your kindle. Worth it!
GENERAL IMPRESSIONS: So I didn't like the beginning. I guess pre-"awakening" to half way through the awakening I was sort of just frustrated with all of the characters for being whiny upper class people. I got over it though once Edna started to be like "Hey, I'm a woman who doesn't like being a mom and doesn't want to be my husband's toy." Like Ibsen's "The Doll House" but set in New Orleans. The book is full of early feminism which is very hopeful and happy but ultimately ends in tragedy (because hey, how else would a book on this list end but in tragedy?) Super progressive for the time I would imagine; now, just a friendly reminder of why I'm so glad to be born in the 1980s instead of the 1880s. Good, quick, sometimes startling read.
MUSINGS: I see why feminists praise this book a lot but I'm not sure if it brings too much to the table besides the novelty of a female character who doesn't suck.
SPOILER ALERT: I almost cried on the metro at the end. And then I remembered crying is a sign of weakness and that I never cry. But seriously, this is a sad ending so get ready for the abruptness of it. Or don't. Your choice.
Pace: A
Readability: A
Creole Food Descriptions: C- (lots of room for improvement)
Satisfying Ending: B-
Narrator's Likeability: A (super detached/objective - LOVE IT)
Cheerfulness: D
I hate everything about this review and re-iterate everything I said to you via gchat. Boo on you.