Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Question to My Peeps

Caitlin; Kelli -

What do you recommend I read next?  I am leaning toward The Maltese Falcon, but I don't want to end up with only long/boring/reprehensible (aka On the Road) books at the end of the journey.  Do you have any recommendations for the book I should read next?


  1. Lynn, while I haven't read "The Maltese Falcon"-I have read "On the Road" -ugh. Was a requirement for a Humanities course I took based on the 1950s. The literature was all the Beat genre (I hesitate to call it a genre, but the syllabus did). All I can say is: "Sucked". "Bad". I don't think it's even worthy of more commentary. In a few words, let Kelli or Caitlin do it! :D

  2. Have you read The Naked and The Dead? That's next on my list and I think it looks good.

  3. Joanne, I am convinced that "On the Road" is one of the least readable books ever! I've tried reading it twice. The first time, I slogged a third of the horrible way through. The second time, I couldn't finish the 2nd page.

  4. The Henry James books are going to be rough so I'd suggest getting one out of the way now. I've heard the Bostonians isn't as miserable as Portrait of a Lady (which, if you review my post on the subject, I abhorred).

  5. I'm reading "A Good Man is Hard to Find" right now, and I was just telling Kelli that I'm going to read everything palatable end up with all horrible books at the end if I'm not careful, so I will tackle "The Bostonians" next. Thanks for the tip :)

  6. I'm about 125 pages into 'The Bostonians' and so far I do not hate it. On the other hand, I don't love it either. Time will tell.
